I was born and raised in a church setting. Unfortunately, I saw evil take place there. In my 20’s I was highly anti-anything to do with God, but then I started thinking about what is going to happen after we leave this world. After many years of searching what’s true in this world, I went down on my knees one night and cried out to God begging Him to show me that He is real. I pleaded, ‘Please don’t make it abstract but make it concrete that I know that I know that you are real and to forgive me of the wrongs I have done in my life.’ And He did in a very real way. Someone the next day placed a Bible in my hand and challenged me to read it. That book completely changed my life. Two things I’ve learned from it: In Jeremiah 29:13 it asserts, “You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart.” Secondly, God is just. We have all lied, used God’s name as a curse word, or done something wrong. This eternally separates us from God. Yet, God is love and provides a savior, Jesus to all who repent (turn from sin to God) and believe (trust and commit to following Him). Jesus is the only one ever known to be sinless. God isn’t looking for religious conformity or devotion to ritual, but a heart that is truly seeking Him. He provides the way to Him. Anyone can claim belief in Jesus, but true belief is lived out in love for one another. “Eyes have not seen, nor have ears heard, nor has it come into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love Him.”
After working some moves for the church, I realized moving other people can be satisfying work. The business grew from there into what it is today. Jesus has truly changed my life and the business is built off of the values of reliability, trustworthiness, and love.
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